Most of the time I feel like I have a pretty normal life. I have routine. I have fun days and work days. I certainly feel like I earn my living, but it’s enjoyable… but every once in a while I’m reminded of the way people around me live.
Someone said to me recently, “We do what we have to do, don’t we?”
I stumbled my way around some appropriate response, but what I really wanted to say was “NO! We do what we want to do!” I knew that would only get me some lecture about bills and parental responsibility and blah blah blah… so I managed to keep those words inside of my mouth, but they’ve been trying to spring out ever since.
Yes, I’m taking a part time teaching job this fall. No, that is not what I “have” to do. It’s something I think will be fun and feel good and help my family and some students. Yes, I’ll keep painting full time. That’s not something I “have” to do. It’s just something I do as a function of my existence. I breathe; therefore, I paint. It’s not some flaming passion; it’s just something this organism is designed to do apparently.
Ok… so things I have to do? Care for my child? Nope. I don’t have to do that. I could be like so many other women I see and pawn the Girl Child off on some grandparent or pay for care or just split. I’m kind of astonished at how many women see those paths as viable options, but they are, certainly, options.
Things I have to do? What things I have to do? I learned a long time ago that making decisions about my life out of a fear of consequences was only a long game of chasing my tail and I won’t do it any more. I have spent my life on a quest for freedom and contentment and I don’t often compromise that any more.
I guess it sounds like I’m bragging a bit, and maybe I am a smidge overproud of my happiness with my life. Don’t worry. All lives have troughs and peaks. I’ll see as many dark days as I do happy ones no doubt. I just don’t let myself on the keyboard when I feel less than my good self haha…

Repeat. No Coda.
Acrylic on plywood with tissue for texture.
~17.5″x9.5″ -edges painted black, ready to hang
Go forth and be in the driver’s seat.
Onward and upward